All four of us actually went snorkeling in the inlet. It was a beautiful, calm day and the water was crystal clear. As always, help with fish identification is greatly appreciated.



These vests are so stylish and very flattering. NOT. But they won't let you snorkel without them.


Cathy made it in.

Mom made it in.

I made it in.

Dad made it in and then out, very quickly. Claimed his mask leaked. Right.


There were a number of artificial reef structures in the inlet. They looked like they'd been installed recently, but were already attracting fish.
This little yellow and black striped fish really caught my eye. The fish were just so uncooperative. None of them would pose.
This blue fish had the most vibrant color, but, as you can see, my aim was a little off and he kept turning away.


The edges of the inlet were teaming with life. Across from our entry point, there was an unused pier. That part of the inlet had so many Sergeant Majors and other fish, it was incredible.




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